

Alfred Church of God (Seventh-Day)
406 Winchester Street
Alfred, ND 58454-4202
Telephone#: 701-485-3705


Check out our "Memory Verses" page to join others in memorizing Scripture together as a church body. We will list current verses as well as some memorizing tips.

We have also added a new page titled "Creation Moments" as a submenu under "Memory Verses."  These are weekly inserts in the church bulletin that are sponsored by a church member.

Remember to check out the Upcoming Events page for any upcoming events for the Alfred Church in the coming months.

LORD'S SUPPER SERVICE - FRIDAY, APRIL 11th at the Alfred Church.


Watch the Alfred Worship Services live each Sabbath at 11:00 am (CST U.S.).

Click the link below for the YouTube Channel and "Watch Live" to view the live service. 
*Subscribe to the channel and you will be notified when going live.  You can also watch previously recorded services on the YouTube page under the "Live" or "Video's" menu. 

  <<COG7 Alfred YouTube Channel>>

 Listen to previously-recorded audio sermons on "Audio Sermons" or "Special Audio Sermons" links at top of page.



Our Basic Belief Statement:
The Church of God Seventh Day in Alfred, ND is a Sabbath-keeping Church that believes in the inerrancy of the Bible and seeks to keep the Commandments of God and the Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Head of the Church. We believe that the Seventh Day Sabbath and the Ten Commandments are still valid and in effect today, searching only the Scriptures for Truth, rather than the writings of the Early Church Fathers or any other denominational creeds. For further information, please see "Doctrinal Beliefs."


Sabbath Services:

10:00 a.m. Sabbath School for children and adults.
(2025 Q1) Bible Studies for Adults is entitled, "You in Christ - The Hope of Glory Series - Part 1."

11:00 a.m. Worship Services
*Pastor at the Devil's Lake Church the 2nd Sabbath of each month unless otherwise noted.

*Every 4th Sabbath:
A "Pot-Blessing" meal after the Worship Service!


Stephen J. Kyner

922 5th Ave. SE
Jamestown, ND 58401-5513
TELEPHONE#: 701-658-9089