COG7DAY History



COG7DAY History

Q:Many people wonder about the history of the Church of God 7th Day and if it is any different than the “Seventh Day Adventist Church”.

A:You can find some information regarding the differences between the COG7DAY and Seventh-Day Adventist Church by referring to our “COG7DAY or SDA?” webpage.

Q:People also ask if the “World Wide Church of God” and Herbert Armstrong have anything to do with the Church of God 7th Day?

A:Herbert W. Armstrong was a licensed minister of the Church of God (Seventh Day) for several years in the 1930’s. He was personally known by many of the Church’s ministers at that time and worked in cooperation with them. In the late 1930’s, Mr. Armstrong left the Church to begin his own work, which became known as the Radio Church of God and later the Worldwide Church of God.

For a more complete history of the Church of God 7th Day, you can order a booklet entitled “The Story of the Church of God (Seventh Day) by Robert Coulter.” Send $2.95 (postage paid) to Bible Advocate Press, P.O. Box 33677, Denver, CO 80233.

The following is a brief introduction to our Church history taken from the General Conference Website For more information regarding the Church History, please see the links at the end of this page.

Our beginning . . .
The Church of God (Seventh Day) grew from the efforts of dedicated advent believers living in Michigan and Iowa in the late 1850’s. In 1863, the Michigan church began to extend its influence into the eastern and central U.S. through a publication called The Hope of Israel. This magazine invited fellow Christians to assemble at conferences and campmeetings, and created interest in their distinctive doctrines: the second advent of Christ and the seventh-day Sabbath.

Through these means, the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) was organized in 1884 and incorporated in Missouri in 1899. Its offices were located in Stanberry, Missouri, until 1950, when they were transferred to Denver, Colorado.

Over the years, The Hope of Israel also moved from Michigan to Iowa, then to Missouri. After several name changes, it is now known as the Bible Advocate. More than 100 years later, this flagship publication of the Church continues to be published and mailed ten times a year from the Denver offices.

. . . and now
The Church of God (Seventh Day) recognizes more than 165 congregations in the United States and Canada. It also has affiliated ministries in more than twenty countries outside North America, with a worldwide fellowship of over 125,000 members. As an agent of God’s grace, the Church offers warm-hearted fellowship and willing support for people everywhere who trust and obey the same Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. It is in serving people that the Church finds relevance for its Bible-centered message and its God-inspired mission.